From the 11th to the 13th of June the Seawork International exhibition will take place in Southampton, UK. We are happy to participate once again in Europe’s largest commercial marine and workboat exhibition and hope to see you there.
Seawork is a 'one stop shop' for buyers, providing access to the commercial marine and workboat markets. It is the largest European commercial marine exhibition, held at the prestigious Mayflower Park venue in Southampton. The exhibition encompasses 18,000m² of undercover space and purpose built pontoons for more than 70 vessels and floating exhibits.
Fender Innovations will be present at Stand PB89, Hal 3 the full three days to personally update you on our latest developments and new projects. Visit our stand for samples, visuals and background information on our products. (Click here for the exhibition plan)
More information on the event can be found at Or click here to register online.
Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding the exhibition or our participation. E-mail us at: or call: +31 223 764 170. We sincerely hope to see you in Southampton!